Friday, 24 April 2009

Feed Your Head

The December 2002 issue of Mojo magazine was a real beauty. Not for the Bob Dylan cover or interviews/features with Happy Mondays, The Libertines or The Rolling Stones. No, what made it for me was the feature entitled 'The 100 Greatest Drug Songs EVER!!!'. I remember trying in vain to compile an mp3 disc for my Walkman of those 100 songs but many were impossible to find. I still have the magazine somewhere (probably in the attic) and will dig it out sometime for another attempt at completing the list. The free cover mounted CD given away with that issue was called 'Feed Your Head', 16 songs referencing drugs of one form or another. I have selected 4 random tracks from the collection for your ears. I don't know if the magazine is still avaliable to buy, the website only gives a phone number for back issues. Failing that E-Bay is the best bet but it really is worth tracking down. Meanwhile listen below.
Please support the artistes by purchasing their cds etc. Anyone having difficulty tracking down the cd given free with this issue of Mojo please contact me and I'll try to put the other tracks on here.

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