Tuesday, 7 July 2009

T in The Park 2009 [2]

In all my years of attending 'T in The Park' it's usually a band/bands on the smaller stages that make the most impression on me. Sometimes it's bands I know of but on many occasions it's been a band who prior to seeing at the festival have been totally unknown to me. Because of this a trip to Fopp on the Monday morning before boarding the train for the final part of my homeward journey has become a major part of the 'T' experience for me. No doubt this year will be no different as I arrive home with a bag full of cds by bands who ipressed me over the weekend. At least, I hope so. Below are 3 Scottish bands from further down the bill that I will be going all out to see.

Broken Records EP here


French Navy EP here


These Four Walls here
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