Monday, 6 July 2009

Clint Eastwood

Taking my 6 year old along to the beach last week I noticed a church sitting on a corner near Saltcoats Railway Station. I've probably passed this church dozens of times and haven't paid it a second look. It isn't one of these massive, imposing buildings that stands over every other building in the area. It certainly is old but no different to many other churches you will pass every day. What grabbed my attention though wasn't the actual building itself but a banner hanging on the outside wall. Alongside a picture of Clint Eastwood as Blondie aka The Man With No Name are the words 'We Welcome The Good, The Bad And The Ugly'. This brought a smile to my face, something that a church or probably anything to do with religion has never managed before. I am not a religious person although I would never mock any person who is. If religious belief helps a person get through life then who am I to say it's wrong. Some people need alcohol to get through the day, others turn to drugs, some people even attend therapy on a regular basis just to get them through and I see religion as just another way for some people to have a reason to live. Obviously there are people in this world who take their religion to the extreme but these people are as far removed from the old couple next door who put on their Sunday best to join the congregation at their local church once a week. Anyway before I get even further away from the original topic, I have seen this sign outside the church twice now and can't help but think that if it's got me talking about the church it must be doing something right. I have never once given a second thought to any sign outside a church until I saw this so congratulations to the person who thought it up.


Here's some music:


First up the brilliant main theme from the film:

Ennio Morricone - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly here


Next Damon Albarn and his cartoon friends namecheck Mr Eastwood

Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood here


As does Lee 'Scratch' Perry and friends.

The Upsetters - Clint Eastwood here


More classic reggae.

Clint Eastwood & General Saint - Stop That Train here


And finally Mr Eastwood himself

Clint Eastwood - I Talk To The Trees here


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